
Recovery is a Lifelong Process
At Hanley Center, we offer ongoing support for every step of the recovery journey. Our Alumni Care Team provides a range of dedicated services to every patient who sets foot on our campus. These services begin upon admission and last a lifetime. From serving as group leaders to developing individualized continuing care plans, our team is passionate about inspiring our alum as they invest in recovery.
Your Alumni Care Coordinator
Ongoing accountability and connection are vital to recovery from addiction. We integrate these fundamental principles into every patient’s experience from the onset of treatment.
Each person is assigned an Alumni Care Coordinator upon admission to our program. Beginning with an introduction while a patient is in detox, Hanley Center’s Alumni Care Coordinators form lasting relationships with patients that reach far beyond our peaceful, on-campus surroundings. Our Coordinators are available on campus to learn their patients’ personal stories, motivate them to engage in recovery, and help them face their unique challenges.
Hanley Center’s Alumni Care Coordinators offer lifetime phone, email, and in-person support to Hanley Center’s patients.
Join the Fellowship
Those of us in recovery understand that freedom and happiness can become a reality. At Hanley Center, we know that a sense of camaraderie and joy can return during treatment and continue long after it. It is our goal to model this for patients at Hanley. As a team, we do this through a wide range of services both during and after treatment. Our Alumni Community members are constantly enjoying the benefits of fellowship through events, small gatherings, 12-Step recovery meetings, and aftercare services. Hanley Center has hundreds of alumni who are actively engaged in recovery. We enlist our alum to serve as guiding support and inspiration to our patients after they discharge from treatment.
A Strong Network Of Support
Alumni support and fellowship has been shown to improve the chances for a sustained recovery after discharge from treatment for addiction. Alumni meetings, workshops, and reunions allow our former patients to maintain therapeutic contact with Hanley Center’s team of addiction treatment professionals. We encourage alumni to engage in our extended network and find fellowship with other alum who have walked the path to freedom.
Contact the Alumni Team here:
Hanley Alumni Meetings
Alumni Support
Weekly on Tuesday
7:00PM EST
Hanley Resource Center
933 45th Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Last Tuesday of the month we will celebrate Anniversaries!
Older Adults
Alumni Meeting
Weekly on Thursday
12:15PM EST
Lunch at 11:30AM followed by meeting at 12:15PM
Hanley Center Main Campus
5200 East Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Zoom Meeting
Weekly on Thursday
7:00PM EST
Zoom Meeting ID: 882 5057 5168
Passcode: 931725
Last Thursday of the month we will celebrate Anniversaries!
Weekly on Friday
12:45PM EST
Hanley Center Main Campus
5200 East Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Weekly on Friday
2:00PM EST
Zoom Meeting ID: 860 6861 6370
Password: 972827
MH In-Person
Support Group
First Wednesday of the Month
7:00PM - 8:00PM EST
Hanley Resource Center
933 45th Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
MH Virtual
Support Group
Third Wednesday of the Month
11:30AM - 12:30PM EST
Passcode: 078657
February 7 - 8, 2025
BBQ on Main Campus Saturday!
More info coming soon!
Hanley Center: Most Insurance Accepted
Address: 933 45th Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33407