Patient Portal Registration

Please answer a few questions about yourself to register for Hanley’s Measurement Based Care (MBC) platform. You will be assigned a Login ID that will be your permanent key to unlock this system.

The MBC process is designed to help to measure symptoms you may be experiencing and to measure your progress in treatment. It is not unlike your doctor checking blood pressure or glucose levels on a regular basis to guide treatment.

This process will also link you to outcome surveys after treatment that will help us to better understand the effectiveness of treatment and to improve treatment in the future.

The information gathered in this system may also be de-identified (no personally identifying information will ever be shared) and aggregated (lots of assessments put together) in order to conduct general research on the conditions we treat in order to improve treatment everywhere for everyone.

You do not have to participate in this process and you may opt out at any time.

Please only use this assessment if you have never done this before. If you need to update your information, please use the MBC Registrant Update form.

Thank you!